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Friday, September 7, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Dietitian Ambition!

   For the 1st birthday of my blog: Dietitian Ambition, I decided to take a look back on the past year and all of the nutritional changes that were made.

Let's take a look back...

Nutrition Initiatives 
- It seems that obesity has become the biggest health concern among americans within the last few years. Among that health concern, childhood obesity has been one of the issues in that we are now seeing young children develop type 2 diabetes because of their weight when it is usually seen in overweight older adults. This "epidemic"has brought about many health initiatives to change and prevent childhood obesity. Programs such as the NFL's Fuel Up Play 60 program, Paul Pierce's Truth on Health, Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign and Kids Eat Right through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics are working effortlessly to influence chidlrens dietary choices and physical activity.

- The Department of Health also has created many healthful campaigns such as "pouring on the pounds" and "make NYC your gym". These campaigns use advertising, which we know can be very powerful, to encourage healthful options. Pouring on the pounds targeted sweetened beverages and displayed fat being poured into a glass and "make NYC your gym" suggests ways to incorporate physical activity into a busy new yorkers life displaying the statue of liberty with muscles.

*To check out the nyc campaigns click here-

- Recent proposals to tax sweetened beverages and junk food also shows that as a city, and country we are now really recognizing the importance of nutrition and working towards improving what is offered to Americans.

Success Stories
- Stories such as "Raquel's Story" show that people are looking for ways to increase healthful options and ultimately change their life both nutritionally and physically. Today Raquel is currently down more than 80 lbs and is still continuing on her weight loss journey. It is stories like hers that inspire people who are unhappy with their weight, or unhealthy that know change is possible through dietary modifications and exercise. Raquel brings hope to future nutrition professionals because the hardest part of our job is trying to teach people that these small changes can result in great rewards. Keep up the great work Raquel!

*Don't forget to follow Raquel's amazing progress on her site-

Meeting New People
- Through my blog I was able to interview many influential figures in todays public health field. Sports dietitians: Cynthia Sass and Leslie Bonci offered great advice on how they deal with nutrition from an athletes perspective. Ryan Shanahan promoted physical fitness and how one can maintain such an active lifestyle. Daphne Oz practices healthful options through cooking as well as her continued effort as a public health advocate. All of these professionals work hard to ensure that society does move towards a healthier tomorrow! Thanks for all of your advice!
- During seminars and conventions I have had the opportunity to speak with many dietitians: renal, pediatric, oncological, clinical, community, etc. Who all work endlessly to make our country a healthier one! Thanks for all of your hard work!

My Progress
- As I have said before, applying what you learn is the hardest part when studying dietetics. In the past year I have revamped my dietary choices, worked on my physical fitness and really made an effort to improve my lifestyle before ever helping anyone else.

Nutritional Changes
- I have most recently really limited my red meat consumption. I now get my protein from poultry, tofu and beans for a variety.
- I have also been quite conscious of my plate and my fruit and vegetable servings. I make sure that each night I have half my plate of fruit and vegetables with 1/4 plate protein and 1/4 grains. Thanks to

- I cook my own meals. This ensures what goes into the food I will be eating, allows me to try a variety of fruits and vegetables and gives me healthful options the next day for lunches.
- I snack a lot on fresh vegetables and fruits. One of my favorite snacks is sliced red, green and yellow peppers because they provide you with so many nutrients and are filling.


  • Fill up on vegetables before dinner they will make you fuller and prevent overeating
  • Try new vegetables and fruits, there are so many of them!
  • Steam and bake as much as you can
  • Cook yourself! Its fun and can be very rewarding
  • Lose the salt shaker, it is unnecessary and more foods have salt than you think
  • If you don't like whole grains, mix whole grains with white rice, or white pasta, baby steps! 

Physical Fitness
- Since discovering my passion for sports nutrition I have made it a point to focus on my personal fitness.
- It helps that my boyfriend and I work out together. This helps me stay motivated because I have someone who keeps me on track.
- I try new routines such as workout DVD's like: Jillian Michaels, Kickboxing, Kettleworx, Pilates, Insanity, etc.
- I work out at home. This gives me no excuses when the weather is bad or time parameters. Like Ryan Shanahan says "Your body is your gym"
- I incorporate physical fitness into my everyday life such as: walk during my lunch hour, walk to and from the train when going to work, all to ensure that I am staying active everyday.
- As of today I am striving to become a personal trainer. Next Summer I have set goals for myself before I actually pursue that passion.

  • Walk as much as you can
  • Utilize more than just the treadmill there are so many things you can do with weights, medicine balls and jump ropes that can increase physical fitness
  • Find yourself a workout buddy someone who you can motivate, and will motivate you
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Invest in some workout DVD's they force you to try new things and keep your muscles on their toes
  • Break a sweat, a workout isn't good as good unless you bread a sweat. 

All of these things have helped shaped my future career in dietetics. Not only have I learned from other public health professionals but I have learned a lot about myself and from you. Many viewers have written to me telling me about their personal stories and you are all amazing! Being healthy is NOT a chore, it is a privilege to be able to control what goes into your bodies and how we mold them. Take action today, every change counts!  

Thanks for a great year!!! 

*** For any suggestions, comments or personal stories you want to share email me at:

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