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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tis the season to eat healthy!

   Don't let the holidays be the time of year where you kick your healthy habits to the curb. Make this the time where you really put them to the test. There are certain things that we can do to make our food choices and overall healthy better. Below are 5 tips that I think could really help you avoid gaining weight during the holidays. 

1) Modify your holiday recipes.
- Modifying is always a great approach towards eating better. This holiday try to cut down the sugar in your recipes in half. A lot of us like our sweets on the holidays so this can really make a difference. 
- Eliminate or substitute butter for a healthier alternative like olive oil, canola oil, butter substitute ( I can't believe it's not butter) or simply kick it to the curb.
- Use seltzer water instead of oil and eggs in cake. This will cut down the fat and cholesterol from cupcake recipes, cakes and breads. Use a 12 oz. can of seltzer water as a substitute, it really works!

2) Make sure you eat before holiday parties.
- Many of us get caught up in cooking and preparing gifts that we forget to eat during the day. Always set aside time to eat it can keep you energized, keep your metabolism working and prevent you from overeating. This can really make a difference during the holidays. 

3) Set aside time to exercise. 
- Although the holidays can be hectic exercising can relieve any stress and also keep you happy. When we exercise there are endorphins that are released that actually make you feel happier. So try to fit some time into your busy schedule to do something physically active, even for just 20 minutes. 

4) Moderate your portion sizes. 
- Eating has become a social thing during the holidays. From finger foods, to appetizers, to entrees and desserts it seems the food is endless. Next time you are piling your plate up with foods try to keep portion sizes smaller. Don't eat until you are stuffed, eat until you are satisfied. 
- Try to eat more vegetables, because they are high in fiber and will make you feel fuller. Try to give yourself a limit as to how big your portion will be and how many servings you will have. Try to keep carbohydrate dense foods and proteins to the size of your palm this will give you an idea of how much to have. 

5) Enjoy your holiday. 
- Dieting is not about restricting what we can and can not eat but being able to moderate the bad stuff and set limits. In moderation most things aren't too bad for you but the hard part is being able to moderate. Enjoy your holiday with your favorite foods but try to prepare them healthier or eat smaller portions of them to really work towards a healthier you!

Hope these tips can be of some good use. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday! 

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