Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What do you think?

       With the most recent debates regarding taxes on sweetened beverages and junk foods, I can't help but wonder what every New Yorker is thinking. Although researchers have found a close correlation between the increase in price of particular foods and the decrease in it's consumption many people are arguing why try to force us to eat better? This health initiative resembles the methods taken to reduce cigarette smoking. Taxing these things are supposed to reduce the likelihood of people buying them and in turn improve the health of the nation. But as seen with cigarette smoking there will always be someone buying them. 
        With obesity crawling its way to the top of nation concerns, a tax on these things might not be so bad. The department of health has been campaigning against sweetened beverages for years now with their slogan"pouring on the pounds" along side an image of a soda bottle pouring fat into a glass. 
Junk food does contribute to ones diet, especially when there is no physical activity to counteract their effects and it would benefit this nation to reduce these things and consume a more nutritious diet. 

What do you think about taxes on sweetened beverages and junk food in New York City? 

Email all opinions to --> dietitianambitionja@gmail.com
Keep emails under 2 paragraphs long 
If you do not want your name attached to it write "anonymous" next to your name
All posts will be posted until Monday June 25 at 11:59pm

What you have to say: 

"I think that one of the greatest aspects of living in this country is the freedom of choice we are supposed to have. Although I am opposed to the availability and consequential health problems junk food can lead to, it seems to me it would be a more effective alternative to make healthier food more affordable rather than raising taxes on "bad" food. Then the choice would be easier." - Jamie Caroccio

"I do believe in taxing sweetened beverages and junk food.  I don't think that taxing these items will stop people from buying them but maybe it will make them stop and think a little before they actually do. We need to start making better choices for ourselves and if this tax can help some of us do that then I'm all for it." - Nancy Alvarez 

"Im not sure if taxing them all if the right thing to do. However, i do think that over a specific amount of sugar or other ingredients that are detrimental to our heath that could effect obesity should make them elegible for taxation. This country is built on freedom, and taxing every single item categorized as junk food is starting to limit that to an extent. And lets face it, its not like the companies that make these "junkfood" items wouldnt find a way around this tax law by making some new chemical that stands as a substitute for the ingredients that would make these taxable." - Frankie Alvarez 

"I think taxing junk food and sweetened drinks is unfair. People should have the right to purchase certain foods or drinks without being taxed extra because of the ingredients in these items. Although taxing these things may lead to less purchases it will not stop people from buying them completely. Just like cigarettes, which are extremely expensive due to tax people still buy them and will continue to do so no matter how expensive they get. I believe the same will happen if junk food and sweetened drinks are taxed." - Danny Emigholz 

Visit the department of health's website for more information on their "pouring on the pound" campaign at: http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/downloads/pdf/public/dohmhnews8-06.pdf

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